Unconventional Application Ways – Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies Perth

Unconventional Application Ways – Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies Perth

 Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

In today’s world, landing any employment opportunity is very competitive. Our Perth Recruitment agencies are of the recommendation that job seekers have to think outside the box in their quest to get Perth Accounting job offers.  Although not much has changed in terms of how recruitment is done either offline or online, job seekers have to devise alternative application methods to send their Perth Resumes in an effort to publicise themselves to employers. Which are some of the unconventional application methods job seekers can employ? Here are a few unconventional tips by our Perth Resume Writers.


If you possess great writing skills, blogging can give you the space you need to
attract the desired employers. Blogging can help potential employers distinguish you from the rest when they conduct a Google search on applicants. For blogging to work in your favour, you have information others of your professional interests and other important things that could signal your potential and capability to potential employers. You have to blog frequently and also comment on other bloggers’ posts to get the attention of recruiters.

Video-based resumes

A number of career professionals prefer online portfolios to video resumes. The justification they give is that most employers do not have time to look at video resumes. Nonetheless, video resumes can land you a job. This unconventional application method is especially suitable if your professional industry entails lots of presentations. For instance, if you have a background in graphic design or web design, video-based resumes can be of help in marketing your skills. You have to be very skilled at creating a video resume in order to accurately connect at a personal level with prospective employers. As an employer analyzes your video resume, he or she will be assessing your ability to communicate your skills clearly and precisely and the professional portrayed.

Use of social media- Facebook, Twitter

In this modern era, social media has become a centre of attraction in almost all spheres of life. Job seekers can make use of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to connect with companies they want to work for.  For example, Twitter gives job seekers an opportunity to establish networks with people with similar interests through its microblogging platform. On the other hand, Facebook ads give job seekers the ability to target and connect with individuals in the same line of profession or those based in organizations they aspire to work for.

Hiring a billboard

For some experts, this is a very creative method of soliciting employment. For others, it is somehow a desperate move. All the same, there is no harm in trying out this method. If you decide to use this method, you must be ready to part with some money to cater for advertisement.

In summary, it is time for people to embrace the out of the box application methods in searching for jobs. Although some of these unconventional application methods are unpopular, they can be effective if well employed.

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

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