Avoid These 5 Resume Mistakes – Perth Accounting Job Resume Writers

While going on scavenger hunts to look out for Perth jobs, we all deal with the pain of being rejected because of a bad Perth resumes. It is the first impression that you form and it is ruined when there are errors in your resume. Don’t make a crucial blunder keeping you away from your dream job. As one of the best Perth resumes writers specialising in accounting jobs, we have found a way to ensure that your application doesn’t go straight into the trash can.
We are here to enlighten you on what to avoid in your resume.
Read on to find out the 5 Accounting Resume mistakes to avoid.
1) Making your mentioned skills look weak
Everyone around boasts in their resumes. It is hilarious when the same person submits a resume with spelling or grammatical errors.
However, there are ample ways to ensure that your resume is not laced with any glaring errors. Make use of the technology and run various spell checks and grammatical checks. Do not use slang language and pay great attention to even the smallest of details.
2) Preferring quantity over quality
This is the biggest error one person makes. They try to fill their resume with generic skills which are nowhere specific to the accounting profession.
Don’t simply overload your resume, make it worth a read and the only way to ensure this is to write about something you really excel in.
3) Mentioning your job profile not the job tasks
Any recruiter is more than interested in finding out your capabilities.
They are interested in learning just your objective and they want to know about how you handled the tasks earlier.
Give it an important space in your resume, making it shine out.
4) Being too technical
The profession of accounting is filled with acronyms, terms, definitions, statements etc. All this information is only relevant when required. If it is overdone
in any manner then it will leave a wrong impression on the eyes of the recruiter.
Be specific about yourself and your skills. Only mention words which describe you and not the whole world. Remember that your interviewer may not be an accountant by profession to understand this jargon so spare him the trouble.
5) Forgetting the importance of keywords
The Cyberworld is such a huge place and with your recruiters receiving hundreders of emails daily you don’t want your application to get lost in the crowd.
The only way to highlight yourself from the rest is through the use of keywords. Make them important if you want your resume to reach the top of the pile.
Writing a Resume can be difficult at times but we are here to make it simple for Perth resume writers. For more information on Resume writing or having your Resume written by professionals, contact us at “OZ Resumes Job Hunting Services”. We are happy to help you.
So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!