Jobs in Perth

Jobs in Perth and How Oz Resumes Job Coaching Services Can Help

Jobs in Perth

How to Secure Jobs in Perth

Jobs in Perth are considered a difficult to secure nowadays. The downside to this fact is that the cost of living is extremely high compared to the rest of Australia, and it can be a difficult place to secure gainful employment. Still, that should not discourage anyone from making Perth their home, and by utilising one or all of the techniques below, one can find their perfect job in this wonderful city.

Internet Searches

Most job seekers begin their search online. Many employment opportunities are found on the website, and if nothing else, these sites can give a person an idea regarding what types of jobs are available. Keep in mind that many of the best jobs are not listed on the internet, so to diversify one’s job search online, it can be helpful to search for businesses and companies that are of personal interest. Sending an unsolicited resume is considered poor form to many employers, but there is nothing wrong with inquiring about possible openings while telling a little about one’s qualifications. There are many other resources available for online job seekers that are worth checking out, and most government opportunities can be found online, as well.

Hire a Job Coach or Consultant

You will need a job placement or recruitment consultant that can produce results.  Oz Resumes has heaps of success stories below.

Take it to the street

Perth is a compact city with a discernible city centre. It makes it easy and productive to go downtown and walk the streets looking for “Help Wanted” signs. By introducing oneself to business owners in person, job candidates can make a lasting impression, and a street job search shows employers that one is motivated and willing to do what it takes to find work.

Understanding local industries

Every city has its primary industries, and Perth is no different. Tourism, film production, software development, forest services and biotechnology are all fields with significant economic ties to the city. It can pay to focus on industries that are prosperous in Perth because related firms are more likely to be hiring.


A good place for part time job-seekers to commence their search in Perth is to explore industries that are always in need of weekend and evening employees. Pizza places depend on drivers for getting their products to customers, so delivery jobs are almost always available and the hours are usually flexible. Security work is often done at night, so jobs as guards are another good option for those looking for part-time employment.


There is no sure-fire way to find a job in Perth, but hard work and perseverance are always rewarded. That is what it takes to find work virtually anywhere. It may be harder to find work in Perth than in other Australian cities, but it is worth pursuing, as the reward is being able to live in one of the most dynamic and desirable places in Australia.

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Job Placement Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

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