Accounting Jobs and Perth Resume Writers

Job Hopping and How It Will Affect Your Career – Perth Accounting Job Resume Writers

Job Hopping and How It Will Affect Your Career – Perth Accounting Job Resume Writers

Accounting Jobs and Perth Resume Writers

The genesis of job hopping

In today’s world, job hopping is increasingly on the rise. In the past, there was a widely held notion that job hopping is equal to career suicide. Does this perception hold ground? Based on the views of Perth Resume Writers, job hopping presents a mixed bag of goodies. On one hand, it impacts positively on one’s Perth Job opportunities, on the other hand, it yields a negative impact if you are looking for a Perth Accounting Job. Your Perth Resume would also not look good on some aspects but may have some unexpected benefits.

How job hopping can affect your career

The good side of job hopping

1. Accumulation of diverse experience

It is possible for a job seeker to be endorsed by potential employers due to his diverse background. The wide array of skills might be what potential employers are looking for in a potential employee. To demonstrate one’s diverse experience, it should be well indicated in the resume. The resume should highlight and briefly explain the successful projects one initiated and completed. To realise this, one should use the services of professional resume writers such as Perth Resume writers.

2. Quality exposure

Job hopping is an opportunity for one to learn and polish on acquired skills. Working in different organizations enables one to see how they operate. In the process, an individual acquires certain skills which go a long way in shaping and defining his career.

3. It is a networking platform and a chance for better job opportunities

Job hopping can enable one to build a professional network hence get lucrative avenues to grow career wise.

The drawbacks of job hopping

1. Your loyalty may be at stake

If you are job hopping from one sector of the industry to another, potential employers might perceive it as a sign of non-commitment to the job. This can adversely reduce your chances of getting a job.

2. Downplays job security

Since your employer knows your history of job hopping, your chances of being laid off are high when such a situation arises.

3. Restricts growth

Job hopping lowers your chance of getting promotions from within. In most cases, you deny yourself a chance to witness the impact of your work in an organization as well as meaningful career growth.

The right key to successful job hopping: a well drafted, professional resume

If well executed, job hopping can make an employee’s career success. The recipe for a satisfying and fulfilling job is embedded on an impressive resume. If a job seeker’s resume is crafted in line with the demands of the job market, job hopping can turn out to be beneficial. A holistic resume advertises and sells a job seeker to the right employers. This, in turn, translates to quickly getting job opportunities each time one hops from one job to another.

So do not forget to craft an appealing resume in your next job hunt or job hopping endeavor. The sure way to do so is to solicit the support of Perth Resume Writers who have ample knowledge of resume writing.
They will see to it that you have adequately convinced prospective employers that you are the right person for the job. As a result, you will be assured of promising career growth through job hopping.

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!