Door Knocking – Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

Door Knocking – Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

As years go by, Perth Accounting Job opportunities are becoming more difficult to secure hence the need to use multiple strategies. Perth Recruitment Agencies experts encourage job seekers to not only rely on the internet in looking for jobs but to also use door knocking with their Perth Resumes. Let us discuss tips on how job seekers can use door knocking by our Perth Resume Writers.

Know your script well

What are you going to say to potential employers when you knock on their doors? You cannot just walk in a company without a proper plan about why you are appealing for a job offer. You have to practice beforehand your selling point. If your selling point is your administrative and accounting skills, you must understand how to tie them to the requirements of the job offer.

Offer something of value

In your door knocking endeavour, ask yourself this
question: “how does the employer benefit?” In essence, think about why you are worth the employer’s time. Do you have exceptional advertising skills that could increase sales revenue for the organization? In other words, the employer seeks to understand your unique abilities that set you apart from the crowd.

Use approach letters

One of the methods to use when door knocking on companies is approach letters. An approach letter goes beyond composing an email and sending it to a potential employer requesting to schedule a meeting with him. When using approach letters as a door-knocking technique, you have to ensure the following:

  • Intelligently explain why you want to have a meeting with the employer.
  • Market the company to the intended recipient- it shows your understanding of what the company specialises in.
  • Why the hiring manager should consider a meeting with you (highlight your skills and accomplishments that can be of value to the company)
  • Do a follow up: contact the recipient to find out if the letter was received.

Use “virtual door knocking”

Thanks to modern technology, it is now practical to supplement the standard door knocking method with “virtual door knocking”. Through email and telephone communication, you can persuade various hiring managers that you are qualified to be part of their team. It does not come easy though. The hiring manager does not have all the time to listen to you or read your email. You have to get his attention in just a few seconds by saying what matters to them in an effective way.  At times, you might not be suitable for a job position but if you impress the hiring manager, you can get referred to a potential employer.

In conclusion, do not entirely confine yourself to the internet as your means of looking for a job. Door knocking can bring good tidings and end your job search struggles.

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

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