Facing Fear Of Losing Your Job – Resumes, Recruitment Agencies Perth

Facing Fear Of Losing Your Job – Resumes, Recruitment Agencies Perth
 Jobs, Resumes, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

If you are reasonably convinced you are about to be fired, consult suitable recruitment agencies in Perth such as a Perth resume writer in pursuit of a new Perth Accounting job. Seeking numerous recruitment agencies will help you send out Perth resumes to multiple potential employers who with time can consider you as a suitable job candidate. How else do you face the fear of losing your job?

Analyse the situation

First endeavour to authentic the belief that you are about to lose your job. Below are signs you are about to lose your job.

  • Sudden decrease in your workload
  • Extreme criticism from your employer with respect to your work
  • Exclusion from crucial meetings in the organisation

Start sending out applications to as many prospective employers as possible if the above scenarios are true. This will somehow reduce your loss of employment fears.

Seek audience with your supervisor

Courteously request for a private meeting with your supervisor. Use the chance to voice your worries about losing your job. Focus on demonstrating that you value your job and your determination to give it your best. It is likely your supervisor will be impressed and help clear the air about your worries.

Update your resume

You cannot run away from the fact that you will lose your job if it is deemed to happen. Instead of stressing about it, focus on updating your resume. Highlight any new experience and achievements you have accrued from your present job. Doing so will increase your chances of getting a new job after being fired and help lessen the fear of losing your job.

Review your contract

Some jobs normally have a severance package which can guarantee payment for up to six months. If your job has such a package, find out how much money you will receive upon losing your job. This will give you some security and reduce your fear of job loss as you think about your next move.

Focus on unemployment benefits

Unemployment benefits are crucial to keep you going as you look for new employment opportunities. Find out if you are entitled to unemployment benefits upon termination of employment. However, these benefits do not apply if you fired due to issues such as gross misconduct.

Compile a list of references

You will need to have people who can articulate your experience and skills to prospective employers. Your supervisor in your current job can be a suitable reference especially if you were not at fault when losing your job.


In summary, the possibility of losing your job causes uncertainty, fear and negatively impacts on your productivity and morale. To deal with the fear of losing your job, follow the techniques explained in this article.


So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

Oz Resumes, Eng Job in 4 weeks


How to Bulletproof Your Career- Perth Accounting Job Resume Writers

How to Bulletproof Your Career- Perth Accounting Job Resume Writers

Accounting Jobs and Perth Resume Writers

Here’s a quick blog post from our Perth Resume Writers that specialise in Perth Accounting Job Placements.

With rising unemployment, Perth job seekers are facing a fierce competition. Employees who have already stepped in this field find it hard to reach the top leaders of their organisation due to increased competency. Graduates who have a good track record of grades in their trade schools also find it tough to land a dream job even with well written Perth Resumes. In short, in a highly competitive profession like accounting, first securing a job and then sustaining it requires strategic planning.

Well, the task is not difficult. All you need is to take assistance from a mentor or act upon the following tips that surely help you to bulletproof your career.

1.  Contact a Mentor

Advice from the career counseling experts matters a lot. You might be a highly experienced professional or have sound knowledge of your field but this is not enough to strive for the best in this present times. It has become a fact that good communication skills matter more than sound knowledge. The issue is that when you personally make a resume you can be more focused for listing your qualification and may not focus on presentation. Experts at Perth Accounting Job Resume Writers help you build your resume in a way that it effectively represents your knowledge, skills and also objectives.

2. Focus on networking

Networking is a key to surviving in any field. Make sure that you know all of your colleagues, friends, family members and other people who may relate to your field in any way. Keep one thing in mind. Your skill is of no use when no one knows about it. Hence, it is in your favour to keep communicating with people who may concern your business.

3. Stay up to date

With the passage of time requirements change. In this ever evolving world, corporate culture and work environment are witnessing different trends. It is necessary for you to stay aware of the trend and other such factors that may impact the way things go.

So, stay up to date, in term of knowledge and also the requirements of your field.

4. Stay equipped

Make sure that you have all the certificates, documents, licenses and other such relatable stuff available to you. Organisations seek proof of the knowledge. Hence, you have to remain well prepared with all those proofs.

5. Look for opportunities

Don’t confine yourself within the same organisation or task. Look for opportunities. Explore new avenues. If you are in middle of your career and looking for promotions then do learn more things about your field. It is better to take courses, or getting certified in departments that may increase your value in a job market.

All these tips are much generalised. You may have some specific issues as well. Coaches at Oz Resumes will offer consultations to deal with those individual problems. So, never hesitate to look towards a career coach’s advice when needed.

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

Oz Resumes, Eng Job in 4 weeks