Part 1 – How to Secure Interviews with Applicants Who are More Qualified | Perth Resume Writers

Part 1 –  How to Secure Interviews with Applicants Who are More Qualified | Perth Resume Writers

Hi there, it’s Sal again one of your local Perth Resume Writers. Some of the fears that my clients have are if they apply for jobs and there are candidates who are more qualified than they are. This blog post will provide some solutions to this problem.

Know Yourself

As Sun Tzu’s book The Art of War would say, “Know Thyself” (I’m paraphrasing here lols). It is basically a competition between others so, it would be good to know what are your strengths and weaknesses. One way is to do an identity test or character analysis.

Identity Test

You can do this with a few free online tests like Myers Briggs or by Roger Hamilton. Once you know what type of person you are it would be easier to hone into your strengths and turn your weaknesses around or spend time developing strengthening your weakness.


Everybody has qualifications and skills but it is how you write up your resume that shows value to the potential employer which will help them pick you out of the lot.

Write up your strengths and show the kind of return on investment (ROI) you are to your previous companies. What that means is, show them previous goals you have achieved in your previous job. What all business owners understand is ‘If I spend one dollar you can give me two dollars or more back”.

Here is one example of an ROI in a resume,

John worked in a tax accounting firm doing tax returns for the company’s clients. He introduced an excel spreadsheet with formulas which can tabulate faster calculations for an asset register. This spreadsheet saves time for the client, the firm and allows him to work on more clients portfolios.

This is an ROI as John has shown how he can increase productivity for himself, the firm’s clients and the firm.

Skills outside of the job

A hiring manager would see hundreds of resumes, so you have to stand out with something interesting. Even staking goods at a supermarket is something different if you word it to an ROI. What the hiring managers want to see is that you understand the value of your role and how you can contribute to the company.

Check out the next blog post where I will talk more about this topic!

Thank you for being you and Stay Awesome!


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PSS: Want to Learn On How To Secure More Interviews? Join my FREE Facebook Group Here =>


Solving the Great Challenge of Getting More Calls for Interviews | Perth Resume Writers

Solving the Great Challenge of Getting More Calls for Interviews | Perth Resume Writers

Hi there, Sal here again, one of your local Perth Resume Writers. Today we are going to talk about a typical challenge one of my clients has asked me to address, How to Get More Calls for Interviews!

Let’s address the problem and provide some solutions for this challenge.

Problem – Not Getting More Calls for Interviews

Let’s break this problem or challenge into 2 parts. Part 1 – Getting Calls for Interviews and Part 2 – How To Get More Interview Calls. Then provide solutions for these problems.

Part 1 – Getting Calls for Interviews

Why is it that we are not getting calls for interviews. Let’s look at you like a product on a shelf in a store and needs to be sold. In order for a product or item in the store to be sold, there must be demand.

So what that means the product must be marketed or advertised to the correct audience who want and need to buy the item.

So back to being a person that wants more calls for interviews, we need to advertise or market ourselves more. How do we do that you ask? Easy. Apply for more jobs. Not just on job seeking websites but also, have more than one source of applying of getting your name or resume out there. Here are a few solutions to get the decision makers or hiring managers to pick up the phone and call you:

Solution 1 – Expression of Interests Emails

That’s right, send out expression of interests emails to the decision makers of the company. Just go to Google and search for <profession> <location> (e.g. Accountant Perth), then go through each website and copy the emails on the contact page.

Then send out your resumes, cover letter and a brief expression of interest message on your email.

Solution 2 – Snail Mail Your Resumes

As emails are getting a bit noisy these days you need to bypass the noise and get the attention of the decision maker. So again go to Google and search for <profession> <location> (e.g. Accountant Perth), then go through each website and grab the local address of the companies on the contact page. Print off a copy of your resume and cover letters and mail them out but the attention the letter to the ‘Hiring Manager’ or better yet the name of the CEO, Director or Decision Makers.

Solution 3 –  Connect with Decision Makers and Hiring Managers on LinkedIn

As you have already gone on to Google to search for the companies you are sending these expressions of interests out to, you can also see the about us page to see who the decision makers of the companies are and then go to LinkedIn and search for the names of these executives to add them to your network. This will help trigger their memory when they see your expression of interest email and letter.

Solution 4 – Add Value to Facebook and LinkedIn Groups within your Profession

Join Facebook and LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your profession (e.g. Perth Accountants) and then contribute to any thread which you can solve a problem or comment to thank them for contributing the post if you find it helpful. These engagements create traffic to your Facebook and LinkedIn Profile. Make sure you have a pinned post on your Facebook and LinkedIn profile stating that you are looking for a job in your profession on your Social Media Cover or Banner photo section. This will prompt whoever (hopefully decision makers) to see that you are looking for a job and that will prompt them to call you or email. Make sure you have your email address and phone number (f you want them to call you) on the cover/banner photo so it will make them easy to contact you. The steps are also available in my last blog post on How To Get More Interviews by Listening & Providing Value

Solution 5 – Volunteer in Companies Related to Your Profession

You can also volunteer in firms (e.g. accountant if you are an accountant) so you can place something on your resume if you do not have any experience. There are times when that work experience would lead to a paying job. You can also volunteer at relevant organisations such as CPA Australia (if you are an accountant) or Engineers Australia (for Engineers) etc. Try out the local chambers of commerce or councils to see if you can help out there.

Solution 6 – Attend Career Fairs

Go to career fairs to get the directories of exhibitors and some name cards you can use to email or snail mail your expression of interest letters. See Solution 1 and 2 in this blog post.

Solution 7 – Attend Networking Events

There are usually free networking events on websites like or Look for networking events that are industry related or job networking events. You can also go to your local chambers of commerce to see if there are any local networking events.

Solution 8 – Ask Around

Always ask people in your network if you can help out and let them know that you are looking for a position in your profession.

Part 2 – How To Get More Interview Calls

Easy, rinse and repeat solutions 1 to 8.
I hope this blog post has helped you, if not there is an anonymous survey link below for you to fill out and let me know what you want me to help you with (be specific).

Thank you for being you and Stay Awesome!


PS: Tell me what content, tips or strategies you want me to write about in this anonymous questionnaire!

PSS: Want to Learn On How To Secure More Interviews? Join my FREE Facebook Group Here =>

How To Get More Interviews by Listening & Providing Value | Perth Resume Writers

How To Get More Interviews by Listening & Providing Value | Perth Resume Writers

Hi, it’s Sal your local  Resume Writers in Perth. Thank you for dropping by my blog again.

Following up from my last blog post about How to Get More Interviews, we are going to focus more on How To Listen and Provide Value to actually help you get that job and bypass any interviews.

1- Where to Ask or Comment or Provide Value

Easy, just join LinkedIn and Facebook groups to the industry that you are working in. For example, if you are an accountant, hit the top of the search bar in Facebook then select Groups and then join the relevant groups.

2- What to Ask or Comment

Once you have been approved to join the group, start reading any comments and threads in the groups and comment to provide value.
Always start with thanking or acknowledging the person who started the thread or comment. Then provide some value by commenting to the thread. For example, if you are an accountant in the accountants Facebook group,” Agree with you XXX, I feel that having Charted Status or being a CPA is not necessary for solving XXX problem.”

Keep commenting and adding value to several Facebook and LinkedIn groups.

3- Connect – Add them on LinkedIn or Facebook

Once you see that there are replies to your comment, acknowledge them by first thanking them then add more value and also add them on Facebook or LinkedIn. Always drop the person a small message on messenger before adding them on Facebook. For example,  “Thank you XXX for your comment earlier. I thought it would be great if you can accept my Facebook add request and let me be part of your awesome network. 



As you are unable to send a message on LinkedIn to the person you want to add unless you have a Premium LinkedIn profile, there will be a small message box that will allow you to add when you are about to add the person on LinkedIn. Type in the similar message as you would on Facebook. See above.

Once they accept your add request, always thank them.

4- Start a Conversation

Great now you are connected and have successfully networked professionally. Next step is to start a conversation and the best way of that is to ask a question that the other party may find useful. You can even ask them about the what problems their position that they need resolving.

It can be technical or personal if the other party is open to talking about it.

Always end the conversation with a question as this would encourage conversation. Conversations will usually end up with an Interview Conversion.

5- Ask to be Connected to other People in their Network

Now that you have built a conversation, added value and a brief relationship with this person on LinkedIn or Facebook, you can ask them if they can connect you with anyone that has any openings for the position that you are looking for.

Rinse and Repeat

That’s right Rinse and Repeat steps 1 to 5 in this blog post and you will start to get some results in a few days!

I hope you enjoyed the content in this post and hope you can let me know if it has been beneficial or was it crap and leave me some awesome feedback in this anonymous questionnaire.


PS: Tell me what content, tips or strategies you want me to write about in this anonymous questionnaire!

PSS: Want to Learn On How To Secure More Interviews? Join my FREE Facebook Group Here =>

How to Get More Interviews | Perth Resume Writers

How to Get More Interviews | Perth Resume Writers

Hi again, Sal here. Thank you so much for dropping by to Oz Resumes in Perth. Here we are your Perth Resume Writers, Career Coach and job placement advisers.

I always get the question about how to get more interviews with my clients.

This blog post will tell you some applicable tips.

1 – Reach out to Decision Makers

At the end of the day the one who makes the decision of whether you get a job is a person or human being. So you need to reach out to that decision maker and make sure that he or she sees value in hiring you.

When I say value I mean there is a return on investment when they hire you. But there are several ways of getting in touch with these decision makers.

2 – Use several Ways of connecting to Decision Makers


LinkedIn is Free but if you invest in the sales navigator feature, it will allow you to really find these decision makers to a precision level (e.g. Job Title, Company, Industry, etc).


You can also choose to mail (yes mail), expression interest letters to the decision maker. Emails are too common these days, so you can opt to mail the hiring manager or CEO of the company your resume. You can also choose to track these letters from your local post office tracking service.


Use email software such as Email hunter to track down specific email addresses of hiring managers or CEOs of a company you want to send your resumes to. It is a great email data scraping tool which allows you to input a domain/URL of a company and will scrape all the emails linked to that domain.

3 – Ask, Listen and Provide Value

Once you have the attention of these decision makers, set a time to meet up with them or chat or email them to ask how is it that you can provide value to them. Be it making a cup of coffee or helping out get information about a tender. The more you listen to the problems they have, the more problems you can learn to try to solve and provide value.

Stay tuned for the next blog post where I will go into more details about providing value to help you get more interviews and job offers.

Also, check out more value videos on interviews.



PS: Tell me what content, tips or strategies you want me to write about in this anonymous questionnaire!

PSS: Want to Learn On How To Secure More Interviews? Join my FREE Facebook Group Here =>

How To Size Up Your Interviewers | Resume Writers Perth

How To Size Up Your Interviewers | Resume Writers Perth

resume writers perth

Hey, Sal here from Oz Resumes, Resume Writers Perth. Thank you so much for dropping by my blog today.

There have been a lot of questions that have been asked by my clients about profiling or even sizing up the interviewer before the interview. The reason they keep asking me this is because they want to be super prepared for the interview and not leave any chance of losing out or failing the interview.

Here are a few tips for me to share on how I help my clients size up the interviewers and come in prepared.

Check out their LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn helps you understand a bit more about the interviewers’ profile. When I say profile, you want to see if they are extroverts or introverts.

Extroverted LinkedIn Profile

An extroverted profile usually will have the interviewer’s picture with colour and a coloured background. Introverts tend to not want to show their face on LinkedIn or have a profile picture with no colour (black and white). You will also notice that the details of the LinkedIn profile are usually explained in a ‘dot-point’ format. It would have information about their experience and qualifications but will not be as detailed as an introvert’s profile.

Introverted LinkedIn Profile

As mentioned above, an introverted interviewer’s profile would usually have either no picture or have one with a black and white colour format. Sometimes there are introverted profiles with coloured profile pictures, but it will probably be those taken professionally from their company staff photo album. You will also notice that the introverted LinkedIn profile will either have not many details about their work or very detailed explanation of their experience and qualifications.

What to do now that you know if the interviewer is Introverted or Extroverted

Now that you know the interviewer is extroverted or introverted you have solved half the battle. The next step is to say the information that will resonate with them.


With extroverts, it is quite easy to build a relationship and in the interview. During the interview pay attention to what he is saying. Find something similar or commonality. For example, in my case, I was originally from Singapore and most interviewers or Australians would have visited Singapore. That is something to bring up at the interview. So when the extroverted interviewer hears that, it will trigger him or her to talk about his experience in or of Singapore. This is my little diversion tactic but also to leave an impression with the interviewer. He or she will remember me as ‘Oh that Singaporean guy’! But be aware and not to go overboard as sometimes you may get carried away and talking too much about your personal life and will leave a bad impression. Be tactful and just find that one common thing to talk about briefly and then go back to talking about the job.


Introverts, on the other hand, you have to be focused on talking about the job details. You will need to talk about your experience relative to the position. So to keep things simple, memorise your resume.


In conclusion, keep it simple on sizing up your interviewers to extroverts and introverts. Hope this information has helped. Stay tuned for more useful tips on interviews!

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

Oz Resumes, Eng Job in 4 weeks

How Do You Get Paid Doing Unpaid Work Experience – Perth Resume Writers

How Do You Get Paid Doing Unpaid Work Experience – Perth Resume Writers

Hi This is Sal from Oz Resumes. Thank you for dropping my blog again.

Here are a few quick tips by our Perth Resume Writers and Job Recruitment Agencies on How to Get Paid while doing Unpaid Work Experience.

Transcript of the video down below:

Hi, this is Sal from Oz Resumes. Thank you again for watching this video, I really appreciate your time.

So I got a couple of questions that was asked to me because I recommend people do work experience and work for free, and some people have been messaging me, asking me questions, Oh, Sal, how do you work for free and also not get paid? I mean, it’s not practical, you know, I want to get paid.

I said, true, but you need to have experience, you need to put something on your resume, so here’s what you do when you are doing work experience for free but still want to be practical and earn a living: Get another job that pays, and when I say that, here’s a real-life scenario of how things work.

One of my friends that I was helping out early in the day, engineer, and he’s working security, and the other days he was doing two days’ work experience, like working for free in an engineering firm, so because of that two days he basically put that company as his work experience and kept on applying while he was working security the other three or four days, so he kept himself in a practical situation where he could still survive and money by working security on the four days or three days, if I’m not wrong, and the other two days he worked for free for this engineering firm, and then after that what he did was he kept applying for jobs while doing that for about a month or two, and because of that work experience, the two days that he sacrificed to work for free and worked with security the rest of the week, keeping himself afloat financially, you know, he got interviews and calls and offers, so what you want to do is obviously be practical, obviously you want to work in your profession if you can get a paid job, that’s great, but if you can’t, you need to put something there with experience, to do work experience for free. Another example is for me, myself, and my wife when I was here, I’m an international student so I didn’t have any accounting experience.

My wife, she’s an engineer, but she didn’t have any Australian accounting experience, so what we did was I was the guy that was working security just to make ends meet every day, spit shoes, so we could pay the rent food and all that jazz while she did work experience for an engineering firm. Then when after that within a few months she got placed in a paid engineering position because of that work experience. I needed one, decided to start myself out and get myself a job as an accountant, so that’s how you do. Be practical, obviously you want to do work experience for free, but do something else, working in Macca’s or whatever security, whatever part-time job, cleaning, to keep yourself afloat, but at least when you have work experience, it’s leverage that you can use in your resume, and it will attract more potential employers to call you for interviews.

Thanks again for watching this video. Sal from Oz Resumes, I really appreciate your time here.


So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

Oz Resumes, Eng Job in 4 weeks

IT Job Interviews – Resume Writers, Jobs Recruitment Agencies in Perth

IT Job Interviews – Resume Writers, Jobs Recruitment Agencies in Perth

Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

Preparation for an IT job interview marks the boundary between success and failure. Based on the standpoint of any Perth Recruitment Agencies, satisfactory preparation is the foundation of success in an interview. Satisfactory preparation converts an IT job interview from a nerve-racking process to an interesting discussion with potential employers.   So how do you prepare for an IT job interview? Here a few useful tips by our Perth Resume Writers.

Go through your resume

Your Perth resume is the point of reference for a potential employer. It is what a potential employer uses to have a broader understanding of you. It is your responsibility to respond to the employer’s inquiries concerning what is on your resume. If the inquiries focus on your skills, let your response be in tandem with whatever skills you have indicated in the resume. If the employer wants you to expound on your work history in an organisation you have listed, you must be ready to offer a response.

Highlight examples of your IT achievements

Potential employers will be eager to hear about your IT achievements accompanied by particular examples. Did you work on an IT project in university that was endorsed? What unique IT task did you initiate your past work experiences? It is not enough to mention that you participated in a certain IT project? Of importance is what you accomplished, the knowledge gained and the adjustments expected in future projects.

Refresh your basic IT skills

Most job seekers pay little attention to their basic IT skills hence fail to get IT jobs. Before attending an IT job interview, practice on your IT skills. Identify your weak areas and work on how you can make improvements. Failure to comprehend a few basic IT concepts may tempt an employer to believe you lack advanced IT skills too. Most employers expect job seekers to be conversant with software programs such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.  If you are seeking an IT job that requires assorted IT skills, you need to have a good mastery of such skills.

Wear appropriate interview attire

A lot of IT companies normally stick to a casual dress code while others prefer a formal dress code. It is wise to do research with regards to the IT company you have applied for a job to understand its culture. If part of their corporate culture is a formal dress code, take note of that. Besides, wearing appropriate interview attire gives you some level of confidence and professionalism.

Finally, an IT job interview is the interviewer and the interviewee. As you strive to impress the interviewer, assess if the company is ideal for your career advancement.

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

Oz Resumes, Eng Job in 4 weeks

Cold Calling – Resume Writers, Job Recruitment Agencies in Perth

Cold Calling – Resume Writers, Job Recruitment Agencies in Perth

 Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

Networking is seen as the standard method for Perth Accounting job hunting. Perth Recruitment Agencies further point out that networking is also seen as a very effective method that promises success. A common saying is that: “you will get your dream job through those you network with.” It is true that networking pays off but does it mean it is the only promising job hunting strategy? Job seekers can get jobs using counter-intuitive strategies too such as cold calling to present their Perth Resumes. Below are tips on how you can get a job through cold calling by our Perth Resume Writers.

Think of your preferred company and who to contact

When using cold calling to land a job, the first step is to think of the company of your choice. Once you make a choice, contact a person you are convinced can hire you. If you are in a managerial job, the best person to contact is the CEO or the owner of the company. If you are a fresh job seeker, contact a supervisor in the department you aspire to work in.

Establish personal connection

Job seekers interpret recruitment as a process that is based on rational decisions. There is the mentality that skills, education level and work experience are the only factors that hiring managers use to select candidates. This is to some extent an inaccurate belief. In reality, personal relationships and connections increase your probability of getting a job more than your qualifications. So use cold calling to initiate personal connections with prospective employers. The method works because a phone conversation is more effective than the information in your resume and academic papers. As you make conversation with potential employers, you stimulate expectations. Potential employers will be motivated to offer help and communicate available job openings.

Limit your pitch to a few seconds

When you call a potential employer, you have to get straight to the point as you try to get a brief meeting in future. If you are not successful, do not give up. If the conversation was impressive, the potential employer can refer you to
another employer.

One voicemail is enough

You can make phone calls to prospective employers repeatedly but do not make a mistake of leaving many voicemails. Prospective employers may think you are stalking them and feel irritated.

In conclusion, when you send a job application to prospective employers, remember thousands of other job seekers have also applied for the same job. How do you avert the competition they pose? Think exceptionally. Instead of waiting to be called for an interview which in most instances may never materialise, use cold calling. It is not a conventional method to use but it can work.

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

Oz Resumes, Eng Job in 4 weeks

Fashion Designer Interview Tips – Resumes, Job Recruitment Agencies Perth

Fashion Designer Interview Tips – Resumes, Job Recruitment Agencies Perth

 Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

How do you nail a fashion designer job interview? Irrespective of whether you are an upcoming or established fashion designer, our Perth Recruitment Agencies say that preparing for an interview can be overwhelming. But that is not enough reason to shy away from pursuing a fashion designer job. If you possess the needed skills and a positive attitude, nothing should prevent you from getting the job even with a crappy Perth Resume or portfolio. Below are tips you can practice presented by our Perth Resume Writers.

Be proud of your work

Your portfolio is not what the hiring manager is after. Instead, he is interested in your capability to achieve results. So focus on outlining your fashion design skills. For designers with no prior work experience, it is common to feel inadequate. All the same, you should not downplay any experience you have gained no matter how little it may seem. Even if you have only worked as a fashion designer intern for a few months, it makes a big difference. Do not be afraid to point out the tasks you executed during the internship.

Understand and respond competently to questions

There is so much talk about possible questions that interviewers pose to job seekers. But there is little emphasis when it comes to questions that target a specific industry such as fashion design industry. The interviewer will be impressed if you answer general questions well but will lose faith in you the moment you fail to respond accurately to specific fashion design questions. Let us take a look at some fashion designer interview questions and the expected responses.

Discuss your qualifications

This question targets mostly your education background and professional experience. If you have a degree in fine arts go further and describe what you specialised in such as fashion/design. State also your professional experience if any. Have you worked for fashion firms and what projects were you involved in?

What area of fashion and design do you specialise in?

It is an unwise decision to give the interviewers a response that is not a true reflection your skills. If your area of expertise is street fashion, do not lie that you are good in other fashion categories.

How do you keep abreast with current fashion trends?

The interviewer expects you to mention if you read
fashion magazines, attend fashion events/shows/conferences among others things.

Understand your extras

Do you have extra skills that can be of value to an employer yet not compromise your major skills? In other words, the interviewer is interested in your extra skills such as conflict resolution skills. The fashion design industry is characterised by tight schedules and diverse personalities. The hiring manager will ask questions that focus on your ability to cope with pressure and handle conflict.

Lastly, fashion designer job interviews tend to be relatively informal. Observe the interviewer’s body language closely so as to be at par with him.

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

Oz Resumes, Eng Job in 4 weeks

Tech Startup Interview Tips – Resumes, Jobs Recruitment Agencies Perth

Tech Startup Interview Tips – Resumes, Jobs Recruitment Agencies Perth

Jobs, Resume Writers, Recruitment Agencies in Perth

In a tech startup interview,  the hiring manager is out to discover two important things about a job seeker. Our Perth Recruitment Agencies articulate that your suitability for the job based on your Perth Resume and if you are committed to tirelessly work for the company matter most to the hiring manager. A tech startup interview is mostly about how much you can bring on board. The hiring manager also wants to know if you will establish rapport with his team of small staff. The following are tech startup interview tips to remember by our Perth Resume Writers:

1. Offer your ideas

When you research about the tech startup company, you will get a lot of information about their products or services. Through that, you are able to create ideas on how you will help the company grow in the role you will serve. Think of how you can help the company attract a large clientele or increase conversions. But do not knock yourself out trying to understand the startup’s five-year strategic plan. You are simply sharing your ideas with the hiring manager. It is a good way to convince the hiring manager that you can do a lot and orient your skills towards the direction of the company.

2. Interview back as well

When the interviewer is done interviewing you, he will allow you some time to ask questions. If the interview is the owner of the tech startup company, ask questions such as:

  • The company’s vision
  • How the company perceives success and how it plans on achieving it
  • The business plan and likely challenges

    3. Probe about weaknesses


It is only in very few cases where job seekers inquire about areas of weaknesses in tech startups. The questions asked are always touching on the vision and successes of the company. To impress the interviewer more, probe about weaknesses. Doing so enables you to fit into the future picture by figuring out how your successes in previous tech roles can help eliminate the prevailing weaknesses.

4. Follow-up

You have probably heard about this tip countless times yet it is always disregarded. The tech startup sector is viewed as very casual. This makes most people ignore following up after a tech startup interview. Conveying your appreciation by way of email after the interview shows the hiring manager you are serious about the job offer. It gives you a chance to clarify and refine responses which you believe were not compelling enough during the interview. You can also highlight one or two new ideas you thought about after the interview.

In summary, a tech startup interview is quite delicate. It involves striking a balance between the employer’s interests and your own interests. You must weigh if you are willing to put in extra hours and effort to help the startup succeed without expecting huge compensation. You also have to gauge if the startup is destined for success. Is it a good bet in the long run or will you be looking for a new job after a few months?

So what are you waiting for, Book a FREE Consultation (valued at $150 AUD) and let’s get you some RESULTS!

Oz Resumes, Eng Job in 4 weeks