Perth Resume Writers

Interviews – Behavioural Questions and How To Answer Them – How Do You Handle a Difficult Situation

Interviews – Behavioural Questions and How To Answer Them – How Do You Handle a Difficult Situation

Perth Resume Writers

Hi, this is Sal from Oz Resumes, thank you again for dropping by. Really appreciate your time here.

So today we’re going to talk about behavioral questions in an interview and how do you answer them. One typical question in particular sometimes get asked is how do you handle a difficult situation when you are working on a project.

Understand the Question and Identify the Problem

So what the question entails is, they want to know if you are a team player and how do you deal with problematic team player. So it is quite easy to solve that question and the steps that you can answer. Obviously this will work well for either for an introverted person or an extroverted person. You want to talk this you can tell them, okay first off address the problem, speak to the person. Now you have to behave in a manner that you do not feel about the situation but understand the problem first. Say for example this scenario “Mr.X” never comes early for group meetings and project meetings and always wants to leave early and does not carries their own weight in the project. So you have identified those problems.

Speak to the Person with Regarding The Issue

Then obviously once you have identified the problems, you would speak to the person personally and discuss this with your team manager. If you still do not you know get resolved after you have advised the person of the issues that you are facing with him or her, you and the team manager should you bring it to the higher level manager. So you should be, the word is not “feel about it”, identify a problem be assertive in a sense not aggressive to solve the problem you raise the issue you product to your manager and then you brought your manager’s manager until nothing gets resolved and you bring it
to higher authority. Hopefully then you can show the productivity improving in
the project.

Book a Free Consultation with Us

Alright thanks that is my tip for the day on the behavioral question on how you work in a team and how do you resolve a conflict and an issue with a team member.

Alright this is Sal from Oz Resumes. I am offering a free 20-30 minute Coaching Call and Resume Review so if you can go to and go to the contact page there and fill out through the time and fill out a few questions that I need to know about you. Then hopefully we can pop on a call on Skype and go from there.
Thanks again for watching this video!

This is Sal from Oz Resumes speak to you soon.

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